Is That Me?

I've turned into one of those neighbors my mother would hate. I don't play loud music or get into fights with my family (well, I do, but I try to hiss my anger between my teeth instead of yell). I don't have a barking dog or a big 8 bore hobby car that I rev late at night and drive people crazy because I am insecure of my penis size and need to compensate by making lots of noise.

But I do clean.

I cut my lawn. I trim. I edge. I use a leaf blower. These were things that, in California, we'd hire people to do but here I/we do 'em (I get the kids out there). Part of it was that in CA they were cheaper and we didn't have that much to do. Here we got screwed by the first company we hired (they just stopped showing up after cashing the cheque) and the other companies --- well, let's just say that there's one called "White Collar Landscaping" and I think they're more white collar criminals. Perhaps the people who did the lawn in CA were illegals (I never asked) but these guys --- then they show up I make the kids come inside. I think they're people that a carny wouldn't take.

Today was garage day. Schlep everything out of the garage. Use the blower and then use the pressure washer. Re-organize for the summer. Get the kids to clean out their outside toybox (come're you REALLY want the Mr. Potato Head sprinkler?) Put stuff back in.

This was prompted because yesterday Patricia and I got our snow tires off and our regular tires on and we needed a place to store them. Something ELSE we didn't have to do in SoCal.

Yes. I can hear my mother now.

"You know what you are? You're a neat freak!"

Well. Not really.

Truth is that I like doing stuff like this because between making the comic ( writing a new cartoon movie, teaching my classes at Buff State, editing some projects and working on two other scripts...I like having a couple of hours a week when I'm NOT staring at a glowing rectangle.

And then I can come inside and stare at the glowing rectangle while writing about it.


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